Thursday, June 4, 2009

Colors of Summer

Californian Summers...days are longer...the sun sits high & strong over these hills that surround...I am reminded again and brought full circle to the often uncertain California June weather...
but still I am amazed with it's familiar comfort, the ocean's crisp cleansing washes away the heaviness and the breeze lifts me to a place of childhood carlessness and light.

Have you ever thought of creating a beachscape in your own backyard?
Upon a recent trip to my favorite nursery, I thought of all the variations of beautiful,
low maintenance arrangments that could be created...
I know you might not always relate succulents to the beach,
but actually they are found throughout beach areas and of course in (my favorite) the always amazing desert,
which reflects California lifestyle beyond description..nowhere like it in the world.

Any of these succulents can be placed in a colorful pot, try red, orange, as I was so taken with on this trip, or a turquoise blue (my fav) and partially fill the bottom of a low, wide pot with potting soil, set 3-4 plants (still in their nursery pots) to arrange the way you see fit, when happy, gently knock plants out of their pot while gently teasing roots that are coiled together and fill with extra soil just up to an inch or two of pot rim, tap top to firmly place and water.

Now, carefully pour a mulch of washed sand (I like the kind that is white and sparkles a bit) atop the soil.

And finally finish with a piece of driftwood or other beachlike treasure you have found (or use as an excuse to go find!)
Set the pot on a sunny patio (light afternoon shade in hot inland areas).

Water once a week or so.
I will put one together and post it soon.

Now sit back and enjoy!