Friday, February 12, 2010

desert bound

Hello and first off, i must apologize for my lack of presence here at this blog far 2010 has been a busy one...and this weekend i am off to the desert to be part of a lovely and most inspirational art show...not sure how this will go and how my work will be received, but you just don't know till you go, and i just love being around all those soulful gals and guys who are so grounded and i head out on a wee road trip tomorrow..and my shop will be updated in the a.m. prior to departure.

I wish you all a very happy, heARTful, and loving Valentines, I don't really buy into all that hearty lovey dovey, chocolate laced, marketing for love stuff, but I do believe that everyone deserves their fair share of lovin' and attention, and if some folks need a day to do that, well then so be it, in my wee opinion, everyone should be filled to the brim each day, but who am i, well, i am me and that means alot.
so go gently, stay human and be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck at your show today. Your designs would be great in desert restaurants and hotels ... where so many could enjoy their beauty. I am hoping you will meet some contacts of this well as individuals who will enjoy your creations in their home. You are "livin' the dream"!!!!! Cheers!
