Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A very merry happy time to you

I apologize for being so very absent from this space...I promise to be more on the blogball in the new year...but for now, I am here to say that I wish you and yours a very merry, happy, joyous, wonderfulous, special holiday time...may it be filled with family and friends and good times, and if for some reason you are not with family and close friends, as I am quite aware that happens, then may it be filled with all that you love and enjoy. Breathe deep, relax and take it easy.

Go gently and be happy.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here come the holidays...

It's been way too long, sorry for my absence here, it's been a busy time...when is it not? New creations coming out of my studio with a bit of a holiday whimsy, however, they can easily be enjoyed all year. I am loving working with glass orbs of varying sizes, there is something so serene and beautiful about the clarity and openness from every angle that makes these pieces simply lovely. For those that hang, they swirl gently and there is a peek in to every side of wonder, little bits of nature can be captured from any angle. The round orb shape is somewhat modern, and then adding natural elements give them a very organic and hip feel.

See for yourself, and don't be shy, tell me what you think. You can hop over to my shop to see more and pick one up as a gift, or maybe it's time you treated yourself?